Bargaining Update
Today (Friday, March 27, 2020), WEA presented two proposed Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) to WJUSD. No agreements were made. There was discussion, clarification, and next steps. Among the general topics of conversation are safety, compensation, and working conditions. We have a third MOU, but have now decided to combine all three into one large MOU. This large MOU will be sent to WEA’s Executive Board for dialogue, then presented at the next negotiations session between WEA and WJUSD on Thursday, April 2 at 2:00 pm. On Monday March 30, WJUSD plans to release some guidelines and expectations of teachers in the next two weeks as we prepare to go online beginning April 20th.
Comments for Members During Distance Learning
What should WEA unit members do if they have questions about our changing work life?
We are a large and diverse bargaining unit. We are now receiving communication and direction from our site administrators and directors. Ideally, member questions would be dealt with at the lowest possible level just like normal. Hopefully it feels okay for members to address their direct supervisor with questions. Alternatively, member questions can come to WEA site reps who can then address topics with direct supervisors on behalf of colleagues. If there is a topic that feels too big for a site rep, those concerns should come to a member of the WEA Executive Board for help.
A Note for WEA Unit Members with Side Gigs
During school closure, WEA unit members are still working under the same collectively bargained employment agreement with WJUSD, and we are also continuing to be compensated as before. We are not permitted to do work for any other employers during the contract day, which generally speaking is still approximately from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. Your WEA leaders are advocating for continued compensation along with flexible, reasonable working conditions for our new home-based workplaces, and those who might choose to breach our contract and work for additional pay during the contract day make it more difficult for us to advocate for the needs of our colleagues.
Recognition of WEA Members
Through all the recent energy around school closure, some of us may have missed the fact that four WEA members have been nominated by WJUSD for the 2020 Yolo County Excellence in Education Awards “Salute to Educator” Certificate. Each school district is welcomed to submit nominees who exemplify excellence in the pursuit and accomplishment of Board goals in each of the following categories: Elementary, Secondary, Alternative Education, and Student Services. These are WJUSD’s 2020 Nominees:
Elementary Grades K-6 Teacher: Jackie Leary, Third Grade Teacher
Jackie Leary is constantly pursuing excellence in her profession. Jackie’s students leave 3rd grade well-prepared and ready to tackle new challenges. They grow substantially in their ability to discuss mathematics, collaborate in physical education, and consider current events through their expanding understanding of literature and humanities. Jackie is not only committed to the academic education of her students but has that unique ability to infuse the social emotional aspect as well. Her commitment to the education of her students truly transcends her classroom walls as she is invested in the success of all of the students at Zamora.
Secondary Grades 7-12 Teacher: Sarah Graves, Culinary Arts Teacher
Sarah Graves goes above and beyond in her service of students and the Woodland community. She is a stellar educator! Whichever program she touches, it turns to gold. She has brought new life into the Culinary program at Woodland High School, reinvigorating the old teaching kitchen with a grant and her endless elbow grease. The culinary program is by far the best in the county, her students leave prepared for jobs in food service and it is because of her direction as well as leadership. She is extremely collegial, and completely puts the WHS community first. She is a gift, and WHS is a better school because of her presence. Sarah crushes any expectations and soars! She serves as Head Swim Coach, too!
Alternative Education Teacher: Raymundo Coronado, Mathematics Teacher
Raymundo Coronado joined the staff at Cache Creek High School in 2017 and has been embraced by students, parents and staff as an incredible resource for our community. Ray’s connection with students, his willingness to meet them where they are academically, and ability to scaffold for student success, is a major reason for CCHS’s increases in graduation rate. Ray is also keenly aware of the unique needs of our students. He understands what it means to be trauma informed, and reaches out to our students with genuine and sincere care for their well-being. He takes calls from kids when they need help, he has taken students on school sponsored trips, and recently, has helped several students find spots on community college football teams. It is an understatement to say our students love “Coronado,” and so does our staff! He is the perfect fit for Cache Creek, and we are very proud to have Ray Coronado represent our school.
Student Services Credentialed Educator: Arlene Sandoval, RSP Teacher
For 39 years, Arlene Sandoval dedicated her entire professional career to serving students with special needs in the resource program. For 29 of those years, she has worked tirelessly at Maxwell Elementary School to provide academic support to students with: learning disabilities, ADHD, autism and other educational and behavioral challenges. By day, she works directly with students and by night, she stays up late completing mountains of paperwork to meet the stringent timeline requirements of the Individual Education Plan (IEP) process.
Arlene is well-loved by students who often return to say hello. She often serves the children and grandchildren of her former students as well. The rapport she builds with families over the years greatly facilitates student success, as well as the WJUSD IEP process. Her students go on to be productive members of the community by gaining employment or going on to higher education or being supportive parents for the success of their own school-aged children. Arlene’s dedication extends to children in general education as well.
Arlene is a highly valued colleague whose vast experience is appreciated by those new to education, as well as veteran educators. She collaborates with staff to support student success across many areas, including academics, health, behavior, as well as social/emotional issues. She is a trusted member of the special education department and IEP teams. Arlene is a team player who fulfills her duties with a smile and often takes on additional responsibilities, such as IEP chairperson, to support student success at our school. Congratulations to Arlene on a remarkable career, for making a difference for WJUSD children with special needs, and her inevitable retirement. She will be missed, but we thank her for her service and wish her all the best in her next phase of life. We love you Arlene!